Could Mace Windu Return in The Book of Boba Fett?

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Generally, I try to stay away from speculative writing when it comes to movies and television. Because there are as many theories out there as fans. And, for the most part, anything could happen. So, it’s difficult to judge between hundreds of different ideas and proposals. That said, there’s one theory I haven’t been able to get off my mind lately, and it’s worth discussing. Could The Book of Boba Fett herald the return of Mace Windu to the Star Wars universe?

Of course, most fans know Windu seemingly died in Revenge of the Sith. But it wouldn’t be the first time a character has disappeared only to make an unexpected return later on. And if I’m right, there’s good reason to suspect the defeated Jedi will make an appearance once again. So, whether Mace Windu’s return is something you hope for or hate the idea of, it could happen.

Who Is Mace Windu to Boba Fett?

Mace Windu beheads Jango Fett with a purple lightsaberImage Credit: Lucasfilm and Disney

But before getting into the reasons why the theory holds weight, it’s important to know how Windu matters to Boba Fett specifically. Biographically speaking, Mace Windu was most notably a high-ranking member of the Jedi Order. A longtime member of the Council, he sat with Master Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi and other powerful force users. Furthermore, during the Clone Wars, he served as a general, leading Republic forces against the Separatist armies. But it was at the outset of this conflict that he made an unalterable mark on Boba Fett. Because at the Battle of Geonosis, the young, future bounty hunter watched helplessly as Windu cut down his father. Thus, with one swift stroke of the Jedi’s purple lightsaber blade, the two were forever linked.

Driven by rage and hatred, Boba Fett attempted at least one assassination attempt on Windu. However, the Jedi’s fate was ultimately tied up in a much larger conflict with the Sith. Because with the help of Anakin Skywalker, Darth Sidious struck down Windu, cementing his apprentice’s turn to the Dark Side.

Cinematically, Windu never reappeared after Palpatine electrocuted and threw him from the top of the Senate building on Coruscant. But as most Star Wars fans know, Jedi are notoriously difficult to kill. So, it stands to reason that he survived Order 66 and went into hiding like the other remaining Jedi. And if that’s the case, Mace Windu could return in The Book of Boba Fett to finally settle the debt.

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This Theory Makes Thematic Sense

Windu’s Injuries Weren’t Necessarily Fatal

Darth Sidious electrocuting Mace Windu with force lightningImage Credit: Disney

Of course, the biggest obstacle is the established lore that Windu perished at the hands of Vader and Sidious. Especially since there is no mention of him being alive at any point afterward in the canon timeline. However, there are plenty of other instances where someone thought dead came back again unexpectedly. In fact, Darth Maul might be the prime example. But beforehand, it’s important to point out the specific traumatic injuries Windu endured:

  • Anakin Skywalker cut off his hand
  • Darth Sidious electrocuted him with force lightning
  • Sidious then threw him from the shattered window at the top of the Senate building

Similarly to Windu, Darth Maul fell a great distance and survived. However, unlike the Jedi, Maul was completely bisected when Obi-Wan cut through his torso. Considering Maul was likely weaker in the force than Windu, it doesn’t make sense for one to survive and the other not. After all, it’s been clearly established in the franchise that losing a limb to a lightsaber is not life-threatening. Anakin Skywalker lost both arms and legs and still remained a powerful Sith Lord. Luke Skywalker lost a hand. And even non-force-users like Ponda Baba lost limbs without fatal consequences. Theoretically, since lightsabers cauterize wounds immediately, such dismemberment isn’t enough to kill in most instances.

Likewise, neither force lightning or great falls typically kill force users. Count Dooku tortured Anakin with lightning in Attack of the Clones. Luke and Vader both endured the same at the hands of Palpatine in Return of the Jedi. And though Vader died, it was only because of his existing injuries and the destruction of his suit’s life support system. In the final season of The Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano leapt hundreds of feet from a crashing starship without harm. So, Windu surviving seems plausible.

Boba Exhibits a Driving Hatred for Windu

Bridge of a republic starship blows up after crashing on a planetImage Credit: Disney+

The second season of The Clone Wars features a three-episode arc dedicated to Boba Fett’s assassination attempt of Mace Windu. And of course, the reasoning is clear. The Jedi murdered Fett’s father, Jango, and he wanted revenge. Understandably, this sort of rage-filled motivation is one of Fett’s hallmarks. Because the death of Jango is probably the most formative moment in his life story. The only sequence potentially more defining is his escape from the Sarlacc on Tatooine. Regardless, The Book of Boba Fett has already shown that Jango’s death still haunts the former bounty hunter. Because in several flashback sequences, he’s holding his father’s empty helmet on the sands of the Geonosian arena.

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If nothing else, this heralds the fact that Boba still harbors unresolved anger and pain decades later. And as far as he’s concerned, Windu is at fault. Because his father was simply fulfilling a contract. He wasn’t a bad person but “just a simple man” trying to make his way in the universe.

Of course, not all storylines find resolution. But in this case, it makes thematic sense for Mace Windu to return and face off against Fett. Because in large part, the two are intertwined. As far as lore tells, Windu could have survived his battle with Sidious, gone into exile, and endured the Empire. And though it stands to be seen what events could place him in Fett’s path, the possibility remains.

Mace Windu Returning Makes Practical Sense

The Show Needs Its Surprise Twist

Boba Fett’s scarred face unmasked in The MandalorianImage Credit: Disney+

It’s difficult to watch any Star Wars streamed show without comparing it to others. And unfortunately, so far The Book of Boba Fett hasn’t stood up to The Mandalorian. After all, Grogu was introduced in the first episode of Jon Favreau’s hit series. And the second season seemed to bring one big hit after another. It introduced Ahsoka in live action and brought back a young Luke Skywalker. But most notably, Boba Fett himself appeared for the first time since Return of the Jedi. However, nothing so far in The Book of Boba Fett rivals the sort of surprise storytelling from The Mandalorian. But it’s worth believing that twist is still to come. Ming-Na Wen, who plays the assassin, Fennec Shand, feels fans will see the show differently after the finale. And this supposes some sort of narrative element that either shocks or thrills audiences.

Undoubtedly, Mace Windu returning would satisfy that expectation. Admittedly, how Mace Windu would fit into the existing story so far is uncertain at best. Nothing has yet hinted that Boba Fett intends to track him down. And unless Windu’s Jedi background has collapsed, he likely wouldn’t seek out Fett himself. At least, not for any sort of violent showdown. However, if somehow the two inadvertently crossed paths, it would make for an interesting reunion.

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“Dead” Characters Come Back All the Time

Hologram image of Darth Maul wielding double-bladed lightsaberImage Credit: Disney

There’s no need to beat a dead horse. But pragmatically, Star Wars kills of characters fairly often only to bring them back later. The franchise has done this for years, and continuing the trope isn’t out of the question. In fact, Boba Fett’s fate was also unknown until December of 2020. For nearly thirty years, the official lore held that he was eaten by the Sarlacc. Furthermore, Darth Maul was supposed dead on Naboo, only to show back up in the Clone Wars. Even the prime villain of the series, Darth Sidious, resurrected for The Rise of Skywalker. So, expecting a “dead” character to come back is par-for-the-course.

The Actors Want It to Happen

Samuel L. Jackson wields a purple lightsaber as Mace WinduImage Credit: Lucasfilm and Disney

Naturally, Mace Windu returning would only happen so long as the appropriate actors agreed. Fortunately, Samuel Jackson, who played the Jedi Master, said he would “love to give one more run at Mace Windu”. Furthermore, Temuera Morrison, the actor behind Boba Fett, also hinted at the possibility of Windu returning. Although not direct, he noted that Boba’s desire for revenge is a driving force. And potentially more importantly, that his hatred for Windu is something that simmers violently just beneath the surface.

Granted, it isn’t enough for two actors to suggest the possibility of Mace Windu’s return in The Book of Boba Fett. However, their willingness to make it work alongside the plausibility of the theory could pave the way.

Will Mace Windu Return?

Overall, there are two ways of asking the question. Could Mace Windu return? Absolutely. Without a doubt, Star Wars has already set a precedent for bringing back fan-favorite characters. But more importantly, will he make a reappearance? This, of course, remains to be seen. There’s a lot out there to suggest Samuel Jackson might reprise the role. And even if only in flashback sequences, seeing him pick up his purple saber again would be worth waiting for. But for now, fans will simply have to watch and wait to see what happens.

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