Dealing With Death A Lesson From Star Wars

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By Braden

Death is an inevitable part of life. At some point, we all must face the death of loved ones and confront our own mortality. This reality can be painful and scary. How then, can the Star Wars saga help us come to terms with death? Surprisingly, George Lucas’ space fantasy has wisdom to impart about this profound topic. Let’s take a closer look at Dealing With Death A Lesson From Star Wars.

Facing Loss in Star Wars

Star Wars does not shy away from death. In fact, death pervades the saga from beginning to end.

In the Prequel Trilogy, young Anakin Skywalker loses his mother in a violent Tusken Raider attack. Unable to save her, Anakin is traumatized and enraged by this loss. Later, his forbidden love Padmé dies in childbirth after Anakin’s turn to the dark side. Anakin finds himself powerless in the face of death once more.

In the Original Trilogy, Obi-Wan Kenobi willingly sacrifices himself in a lightsaber duel so that Luke Skywalker and his friends can escape Darth Vader. Luke is pained by the loss of his mentor. Later, he must watch helplessly as Han Solo is frozen in carbonite by Boba Fett.

In the Sequel Trilogy, Han Solo is killed by his own son, Ben. Leia and the audience mourn Han’s loss deeply. We also witness the deaths of Luke Skywalker, Supreme Leader Snoke, and Emperor Palpatine. Death continues to be a major theme even as the saga comes to a close.

Confronting Grief and Loss

How do characters in Star Wars cope with grief and loss? Their responses are insightful. Some characters are utterly debilitated by death while others transcend it.

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When Anakin’s mother dies, he unleashes his fury indiscriminately. When Padmé dies, Anakin’s grief and confusion leave him vulnerable to manipulation by Palpatine. He struggles mightily to accept loss.

Obi-Wan, in contrast, faces his own death with courage, purpose and peace. His calm sacrifice inspires Luke to carry on the fight. Yoda too, dies in tranquility, after imparting final wisdom to Luke. Both Jedi Masters demonstrate a healthy acceptance of their mortality.

When Han Solo dies, Leia grieves but does not become bitter or self-destructive. She continues the struggle against the First Order with grace. Luke also dies in peace, after saving the remaining Resistance fighters on Crait.

The Jedi way seems to be one of acknowledging loss while refusing to be defined by tragedy or death. Even as loved ones die around them, the Jedi remain in control of their emotions and focused on purpose larger than themselves.

The Universal Lesson on Death

Beneath fantastic worlds of spaceships and alien races, Star Wars tells a very human story that each generation can relate to. All of us will experience loss and face death. How we meet those moments defines our character.

The Jedi path of non-attachment, mindfulness, and subservience to the greater good is unrealistic for most of us. But we can work to accept death as inevitable and retain perspective in times of grief. As Yoda tells Anakin, “Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force.”

The Star Wars saga gives us permission to mourn and feel pain in the face of loss. But it also challenges us to not become obsessed with death or overwhelmed by grief. We can honor those who died by choosing to live purposefully. We can shift our focus from past regrets to present duties.

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Han Solo would want his friends to remember him but not be consumed by sadness over his death. When our loved ones die, they would want us to carry on and make the most of the time we have left. Stoic acceptance and quiet strength in the face of loss are the lessons Star Wars reinforces.

A Jedi-like balance between healthy grieving and forward-looking purpose, is the ideal many of us can aspire towards when confronted with death. Star Wars, though fictional, gives us models for responding to loss in a heroic way. Like Luke Skywalker, we too can resist fear and despair. We too can confront grief, loss and death with courage, hope and determination to live well. I sincerely hope you find this “Dealing With Death A Lesson From Star Wars” article helpful.

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