We Interviewed Our Three Year Old About His Favorite Marvel Superhero

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As parents of a three year old boy named Ben who is obsessed with superheroes, we were curious to learn more about why he loves them so much. so We Interviewed Our Three Year Old About His Favorite Marvel Superhero.

The Interview

Us: So Ben, we heard you really love superheroes. Who is your favorite Marvel superhero and why do you like him so much?

Ben: Spiderman! I like Spiderman because he shoots webs and swings from high buildings. He goes whoosh whoosh whoosh! And he wears a red and blue costume with a spider on it. Oh! And he has cool spider powers that let him stick to walls. I want to stick to walls too!

Us: Wow, it sounds like you know a lot about Spiderman! What are some of the things Spiderman does to help people and be a hero?

Ben: Spiderman keeps people safe from the bad guys. He uses his stringy webs to stop criminals and shoot them so they can’t get away. One time a bus was going to fall off a bridge and Spiderman saved it by catching it with his strong spider web! He helps get kitties out of trees for little girls too.

Us: You certainly pay close attention to what Spiderman does! Has Spiderman ever fought against any villains or bad guys? Who are his enemies?

Ben: Yes! Spiderman has to fight the Green Goblin a lot. The Green Goblin is very mean and ugly and he cackles like a witch! Spiderman also fights Doctor Octopus. He has four long metal arms that try to grab Spiderman but he always gets away. Oh and Venom too! He is like a evil Spiderman with big scary teeth. But Spiderman always defeats them!

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Us: Wow, those all sound like scary villains! It’s good Spiderman is brave and strong enough to take them on. When you grow up, do you want to have cool spider powers and help people like Spiderman does?

Ben: Yes yes yes! I want to shoot webs from my hands and swing from buildings and climb walls and fight bad guys too. I will be a good Spiderman and help people who need it. And I can wear my Spiderman costume every day! I want to be a real superhero. Pow! Pew pew!

Us: Well we definitely think you’d make an excellent Spiderman someday! Is there anything else you want people to know about why Spiderman is so amazing?

Ben: Umm…Spiderman is very nice and funny. He always makes silly jokes. And he helps his friends and works with the police to catch bad guys. Oh! And one time Spiderman became best friends with Iron Man and they saved the world together! Spiderman is the best ever!

Us: What great reasons for loving Spiderman. Thanks for telling us all about your favorite Marvel superhero Ben!

Key Takeaways from a Three Year Old Marvel Expert

After interviewing our enthusiastic three year old son Ben about why Spiderman is his favorite superhero, we gained a lot of insight into why young kids are so captivated by superheroes like those from Marvel:

1. Cool powers and abilities: From Spiderman’s web slinging to sticking to walls, superheroes have unique skills that fascinate kids. Ben loves imagining what it would be like to climb buildings and fight villains with spider powers.

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2. Defeating evil bad guys: Superheroes represent good triumphing over evil. As a preschooler, Ben sees the world in black and white, so he connects with Spiderman defeating dangerous villains.

3. Helping others in need: An integral part of being a hero is selflessly assisting others when they can’t help themselves. Whether it’s saving a busload of people or rescuing a cat, Spiderman protects the innocent.

4. Fun costumes and alter egos: What preschooler wouldn’t want to wear a colorful costume and mask while living a double life as a hero with a cool name like “Spiderman”? For a child, that’s the ultimate fantasy.

5. Building connections and teamwork: From Spiderman’s relationship with Iron Man to assisting the police, superheroes collaborate with other positive forces. Kids learn from their cooperative relationships.

So while we as adults see comic books and superhero movies as entertainment, for young children like our son Ben, superheroes provide so much more. They foster imagination, convey important values like bravery and responsibility with helping others, and give kids an exciting lens through which to see the world around them.

We’ll Be Encouraging This Superhero Obsession

Even though the non-stop chatter about Spiderman catching bad guys as he swings from webs can grow tiresome at times, we realize that superheroes offer developmental benefits for Ben’s growth. His love of Marvel heroes provides a creative outlet and teaches him empathy, good morals, and critical thinking skills.

So while other parents may sigh and roll their eyes when their kid insists on wearing a cape everywhere, we’ll continue encouraging Ben’s superhero obsession. Because who knows – maybe all that imagination and aspiration to help others like his idol Spiderman will lead him to create positive change in the real world someday! The next generation of real-world heroes is being fostered right now in preschoolers captivated by Marvel heroes. I sincerely hope you find this “We Interviewed Our Three Year Old About His Favorite Marvel Superhero” article helpful.

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